The videos posted online by City People tv showed the King and his Queen making a grand entrance to the wedding venue.

Olori Mariam was dressed like a bride as she wore the popular white wedding gown with veil.

Ooni of Ife weds Olori Mariam

It was an exciting time for the Ife Kingdom as their King tied the knot.

News filtered in July that the Ooni had reportedly gotten over his estranged wife, prophetess Naomi, and was on the verge of taking a new wife, Mariam Anako.

The Ooni, confirmed the rumours as he officially wedded his new queen in September.

A video that made rounds, showed the couple at their marital function.

Queen Mariam ushered into the palace

One of the siblings of the Ooni, Princess Adesola Ogunwusi Shoremekun, had sweetly welcomed her.

Her mother and other family members from Kogi and Kwara states ushered her into the Ile Oodua Palace in Ile-Ife.

She was first received by the Ife Traditional Council members led by the Obalufe of Ife, Oba Idowu Adediwura and Lowa Adimula of Ife, High-Chief Adekola Adeyeye. After necessary traditional and spiritual rites performed by the Isoros(Chief priests), she presented to the Ogunwusi family and the husband.

The new Queen already has an Instagram page where she addresses herself as the wife of the Monarch.

Meet Ooni of Ife’s first wife, Olori Mariam

Mariam Anako, is an Oil and Gas executive, who works in NestOlil. She is a native of the Ebira ethnic group in Kwara State.

She was said to have been of immense help to the Ooni and this must have endeared her to him. 

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