Tony Elumelu celebrates 61st birthday anniversary with promise to youth

The chairman of United Bank for Africa Tony Elumulu turned sixty one, and he took to Instagram to share a post about it. Here’s what he wrote; “+1 today and no better way to celebrate than announcing the 2024 beneficiaries of Tony Elumelu Foundation Entrepreneurship Programme.

Over 1,000 young men and women from all 54 African countries who will each receive a non refundable seed capital of $5,000 to help start their own businesses. This journey began 10 years ago by Awele and I, with a vision to democratize luck and transform lives across Africa. So, today is about Impact, Reflection, and Gratitude”

Tony Elemulu’s post reflects a promise to help at least one thousand young people with start up capital, and the best part is that it isn’t a loan. $5,000 is a lot of money to give to one thousand people, considering the current exchange rate, and this goes to show just how benevolent he is.

The Tony Elumelu Foundation has sponsored a lot of youth programs, and most of them are centered around personal development and business ventures. He advocates for self improvement, and he has changed a lot of lives in the process.

While Tony Elumelu may be a high ranked business tycoon, he has never been one to stay aloof and not mingle. He hosts a lot of parties, where people get to network and have a level of access to him. The most recent one was the U.B.A all white party where Toke Makinwa was present, and people trolled her over her choice of outfit.

At sixty one, Tony Elumulu looks good for his age, and it is evident that he works out and eats healthy. Also, he is known for his dapper style of dressing, which makes him easily identifiable in a crowd. Some of his most popular looks includes a sharp blue suit, which seems to be his favorite outfit to wear.

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