“I bought my first car in SS3” Bobrisky brags about his accomplishments in life

Bobrisky is on an interesting never-ending tussle with his fans, and he has never been shy to clapback at them at any point in time. He took to his Instagram page to drag netizens who had trolled him for lodging himself and a fan at a luxury hotel. In the video he made, Bobrisky explained to anyone who cared to listen about his list of accomplishments. He explained that he had gotten his first car when he was in SS3, and his second car, while he was in his second level in the university.

Apart from bragging about his accomplishments, Bobrisky also had a piece of advice for netizens who trolled him. He compared his lifestyle to theirs, stating that he was more successful than them, and that the more they troll him, the more successful he becomes. In the video, Bobrisky also mentioned that he was meant to be rich, hence his current status in life.

Bobrisky might just be right about growing richer because of trolls because the negative press he gets has helped him get more visibility, and therefore, more endorsement deals. Although there might have been a lot of issues with vendors in the past, he still gets deals to promote products till date.

This recent issue between Bobrisky and his fans sprung up from the fact that Bobrisky had promised a lucky fan an all expense paid staycation at a luxury hotel. Despite the fact that this looks like a good deed, his fans clearly were not buying it because, from his video, he inferred that they trolled him about it.

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