Lilian Afegbai shares secret to attracting quality men

Nollywood actress, Lilian Afegbai has shared her secret to attracting quality men.

The Nollywood actress, via her Twitter page, revealed that the minute she started saying positive things about men and her love life things changed.

According to her, she started attracting the kind of men she wanted in her life. Using herself as an example, Lilian noted how you can’t keep saying men are trash and expect to get quality men.

She admonished ladies to speak into existence what they want and it will come to them.

“I want to share a tiny secret here.

The minute I started saying positive things about men, my love life and all. I started attracting the kind of men I wanted in my life. You can’t keep saying men are trash and expect quality.

Speak into existence what you want and it will come to you”.

Lilian Afegbai secret to attracting quality men

Some months back, Lilian Afegbai took a swipe at the opposite gënder who are ready for marriage but don’t own houses.

In an interview with media personality, Toke Makinwa on her podcast, Toke Moments, she faulted such men, stating that there is something wrong with any man who doesn’t have a house in his name before settling down.

Speaking of her type of man, she revealed that she isn’t looking for a billionaire, but someone who is comfortable and has a house and car.

Last year, Lilian issued a strong warning to her admirers, stating that an admirer who is not coming to add value to her life and career should not bother as sex is not the only thing that keeps a relationship or marriage.

According to the actress who said sex is overrated, no admirer will want a relationship with her if she is not currently doing well.

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