“My marriage collapsed because I delayed grieving for my dead mother” Jim Iyke

In a recent and deeply revealing interview with popular media personality Toke Makinwa, the renowned actor Jim Iyke shared how delayed grief had ended his marriage.

At the beginning of the interview, Jim Iyke initially appeared reluctant to go into the subject of his marriage and divorce. However, as Toke Makinwa gently prodded him to share his story, he provided insight into the very reason for his relationship’s dissolution.

Jim Iyke attributed the end of his marriage to a delayed grief. He disclosed that the issue lay in his inability to properly grieve for his late mother. The actor confessed that he had postponed the grieving process, and when he finally confronted this sorrow, it had already done havoc on his marriage. His mother held an extraordinary place in his heart, and her passing was an especially devastating blow. Jim Iyke recounted receiving the heart-wrenching news of his mother’s demise during a BBC interview, leaving him utterly shattered.

He also shared that he was in the midst of constructing a house for his beloved mother before she died.

Jim Iyke also revealed that he had to step into the role of the strong male figure in his family, being the only male child. This left him with little time for emotional expression. While others in his family mourned openly, he assumed the role of a pillar of strength.

It was only after the conclusion of the burial ceremonies that Jim Iyke began to confront his own emotions. He initially struggled to identify the source of his inner conflict until he found himself arguing over trivial matters, such as his mother’s belongings, particularly her jewelry. His inability to part with her possessions showed him that his mourning process had yet to run its course.

During this challenging period, Jim Iyke’s wife attempted to provide emotional support and love, but he admitted that he was incapable of reciprocating her affections. Instead, he transferred the bulk of his affection to their child, which created tension in his marriage. He recounted his wife’s understandable jealousy as he showered their child with attention at a time when she needed it as well.

In an attempt to address the emotional turbulence Jim Iyke was experiencing, his wife suggested therapy as a potential solution. However, he hesitated, clinging to a traditional belief that therapy was not suitable for an African man like him. Looking back, he regrets not having embraced this opportunity for professional help.

His wife eventually reached a breaking point, realizing that Jim Iyke’s ongoing mourning for his mother had left their relationship in ruins.

Despite the dissolution of their union, Jim Iyke speaks fondly of his former spouse and holds her in high regard. He cherishes the memories of their time together and the partnership that marriage offered. In fact, he expressed his enduring love for the institution of marriage and his desire to explore it once more in the future, embracing the opportunity to be responsible for and share his life with another.

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