It Takes Some Level Of Stupidity To Remain Married - Nigerian Doctor Who Has Been Married For 38 Years Argues (video)


A Nigerian doctor has said that one of the keys to staying married is to have a good dose of ‘’stupidity''.


In a viral video, the man who gave his name as Dr Akpoki said he has been married for 38 years. 

‘’If you cannot tolerate the following things, don't get married. Number one, if you cannot control your temper, do not get married. If you cannot tolerate stupidity, do not get married. If you cannot say sorry even when you are right, do not get married. 

I have been married for 38 years. Falling love is ‘common sense leaving your brain’. It takes stupidity and tolerance to remain married. Those who are too smart like Bill Gates and Melinda don't remain married. Most Nobel prize winners and very intelligent people do not maintain one relationship. It takes some level of stupidity to remain married. I have been stupid for 38 years.''

Watch a video of him speaking below…


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