“Couples, Do You Still Kiss Wet Kiss?” Real Warri Pikin Seriously Questions Older Married Couples (video)

Popular comedienne Real Warri Pikin, recently posted a humorous yet thought-provoking video on her Instagram page, raising a question about older married couples and their kissing habits.

In the video, Real Warri Pikin playfully inquired if couples who have been married for five years or more still engage in what she called “wet kisses.”


She clarified that by “wet kiss,” she meant more than just a quick occasional peck that married couples indulged in and rather she meant a prolonged kiss between a couple lasting at least five minutes.

She also noted that the art of wet kisses seemed to be fading away from homes as couples grow older. Real Warri Pikin hinted that the longer couples stay together, the less inclined they might feel towards indulging in wet kisses.

She also lightheartedly shared an observation that some married individuals nowadays seem to skip the kissing stage altogether and just proceed directly to having sex.

Watch Video Here!

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