“Why I only date girls who are 18 years old and break up with them before they turn 24” Skitmaker De General spills (Video)

Nigerian skitmaker and online creator, Sunday Joshua Martins better known as De General has revealed why he only dates girls who are 18 years of age.

The skitmaker, in a video posted online, decried the alarming rate at which ladies who are in their 24s are pressuring their boyfriends to propose to them.

He questioned why the need to rush into marriage and if these ladies weren’t scared.

De General stated that the constant pressure from such ladies is the reason why he only dates girls who are 18, as they aren’t in a rush to get married nor put pressure on their lover.

However, when they turn 24, he breaks up with them before they start pressuring him into commitment.

“What’s is it girls that are 24 years? All of you just want to get married. You start putting pressure on your boyfriend to marry. Are you people not scared? That’s why I date girls of 18yrs. Before they get to 24, I just break-up”.

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