Oma Se O!: Teenager Jailed Following Robberies In Wisbech

A teenager who went on a week-long crime spree in Wisbech, including two robberies, has been jailed.

Oluwagbemileke Awoyemi, 19, began the series on 5 March, when he stole a basket full of goods from Asda in North End before making off on a bike he stole from outside the shop.

Two days later he entered Harecroft Stores, in Harecroft Road, at about 1pm, before returning a short while later wearing a balaclava and demanding money from the man at the till.

He walked around to the till area and pulled out a knife before the victim, a man in his 50s, handed over about £45 in cash and Awoyemi left on a bicycle.

On 9 March, a woman in her 50s was walking into Wisbech town centre on the phone to her friend at about noon when she realised she was being followed.

She turned around to see Awoyemi cycle past her but carried on her way into Union Street where she then felt an “aggressive snatch” out of her hand and realised Awoyemi had stolen her mobile phone.

She went into two nearby mobile phone shops to tell them what had happened and alert them in case Awoyemi tried to sell her phone – which he did later the same day. The shop owner took the phone and called police, which prompted Awoyemi to flee.

He was arrested in Victoria Road, Wisbech, on 13 March after a Special Constable on patrol in the area recognised him as being wanted for the offences.

He was charged with theft of a bike, theft from Asda, two counts of robbery and two counts of being in possession of a knife in a public place – one being the Harecroft Store robbery and also a kitchen knife found inside his bag upon his arrest.

Awoyemi, of North Brink, Wisbech, admitted all offences and appeared at Peterborough Crown Court this afternoon (Monday 23 May), where he was sentenced to two years and two months in prison.

Detective Constable Pete Wise, who investigated, said: “This was a good spot by one of our Special Constables, who was in the right place at the right time.

“We do not know what Awoyemi’s intentions were the day he was arrested, but we do know he had already carried out a knife-point robbery and was then found with another knife on him.

“I would appeal to the public to let us know about any concerns that someone may be carrying a weapon.”

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