Donald Trump Calls President Biden A 'Wretched Old Vulture' And 'Rotten Politician' Who Wants To 'R@pe And Pillage' American Jobs

Donald Trump has described Joe Biden as a 'wretched old vulture' and a 'rotten politician' trying to 'rape and pillage' American jobs in a speech to workers at a non-unionized auto plant on Wednesday night, September 27.

The former president and frontrunner in the GOP polls largely ignored the second presidential debate, to launch an attack on Biden and his green policies he says are destroying U.S. manufacturing.

Trump told workers at Drake Enterprises, a non-unionized auto parts supplier outside Detroit, that he'll protect their jobs, battle environmental 'lunatics' and said Biden was only interested in enriching his family.

The former president called Biden 'the most corrupt president.' But Trump, who is facing multiple federal indictments along with state charges in New York and Georgia, quickly added: 'I shouldn't have said that. I'm going to get indicted again!'.

'The only time Joe Biden has ever gotten his hands dirty is when he's taking cash from foreign countries,' he said, referring to GOP accusations that the Biden family profited from Biden's positions in government.

Biden is facing an impeachment inquiry from House Republicans over allegations he benefitted from Hunter Biden's foreign business contacts.

Biden says he has never worked with his son on business matters.

Trump slammed him repeatedly on the matter. He also repeated some of his personal attacks on the president, attempting to portray him as feeble and sleepy. Multiple times, he mentioned the trips and falls Biden has taken, saying the president 'looks like he's going to fall over.'

'Crooked Joe Biden is back,' Trump declared at one point, using his old derogatory nickname from the 2020 campaign. 'Joe Biden is back like a wretched old vulture trying to finish off his prey.'

'Under Joe Biden … the workers of America - to put it nicely - are getting a screwed,' Trump said to a cheering crowd. 'I want a future that protects American labour, not foreign labour.'

Trump also touted his own record in the White House, pointing to the tax cuts he passed and the tough trade policies he championed.

I don't need to tell anyone in this room what the globalist and trade abusers did to the people of Michigan,' he said.

He didn't repeat his false charge the 2020 election was stolen from him but did say:'We did such a great job four years ago. We were unfairly interrupted. Let's be nice about it. We were very unfairly interrupted.'

The former president spoke to supporters and union workers a day after President Biden visited the battleground state. His crowd were waving signs that read 'Auto Workers for Trump' and 'Union Workers for Trump.'

'Yesterday Joe Biden came to Michigan to pose for photos at the picket line, but it's his policies that send workers to the unemployment line,' Trump said.


He also warned them their work could be for not if Biden gets his wish on having more electric vehicles on the road.


'You´re all on the picket lines and everything, but it doesn´t make a damn bit of difference what you get, because in two years you´re all going to be out of business,' he said.


He wasted no time, attacking Biden from the start of his remarks all the way to the end of them, 70 minutes later. Trump hit the president repeatedly for his environmental agenda, arguing Biden's push for electric cars would backfire for American workers.


'You can be loyal to American labour, or you can be loyal to the environmental lunatics,' Trump said. 'But you can't really be loyal to both - it's one or the other.'

'A vote for Crooked Joe means the future of the auto industry will be made in China,' he said.

He added: 'They say the happiest day you buy an electric car is the first 10 minutes you drive it and then you panic because you don't know where you'll charge it.'

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