“All Of Us Don Use Force Collect Things Before” Daddy Freeze Drums Up Support For Sam Larry

In the past few weeks following the death of Mohbad, the spotlight has fallen on Sam Larry, and the storm surrounding him is showing no signs of stopping. One notable figure who has stepped up to support him is none other than Daddy Freeze.

The controversy revolves around a viral video that captured Sam Larry in a physically harassing Mohbad. Since his death, Sam Larry had been the chief suspect.

However, Daddy Freeze, a well-known voice in the entertainment industry, has come forward to offer his support to Sam Larry. In a recent live video, Daddy Freeze defended Sam Larry’s actions, stating that we’ve all, at some point in our lives, resorted to force to obtain something we desire.

Just recently, report has it that Reno Omokri, another prominent figure, had extended his support to Naira Marley, who has faced a lot of accusations and suspicions following the tragic passing of Mohbad. Omokri empathized with Naira Marley, as he knows firsthand what it feels like to be wrongly accused of something. He stated that he had once been accused of something he did not do so he understands what it feels like.

In response to the mounting rumors and allegations, Sam Larry chose to take matters into his own hands. He issued a press statement where he denied any involvement in Mohbad’s tragic death. According to Sam Larry, the altercation arose from a dispute over money, and things simply escalated from there. It was a statement aimed at setting the record straight and defending his innocence.

However, a recent twist in the tale has thrown another curveball into this ongoing saga. A video emerged that seemingly contradicts Sam Larry’s claims. The video showed him partying in Nigeria on August 26th, despite his earlier statement that he had left the country on August 20th. This revelation has left fans and the media scratching their heads, raising even more questions and suspicions.

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