Police Beat Tricycle Rider To Death ‘For Refusing To Give Bribe’ In Lagos, Refuse To Release Corpse To Family

The family alleged that the police officers are trying to label the deceased a drug dealer.

The family of a tricycle rider, Paul Arowolo, is demanding justice over his death after he was allegedly brutalised by three yet-to-be-identified policemen attached to Surulere Area C Command in Lagos State, Southwest Nigeria.

Esabod gathered that the policemen on a stop-and-search duty on Saturday intercepted Arowolo’s new tricycle while he was going home with his girlfriend.

The officers were said to have requested for bribe from the deceased which he refused to give them.

This it was learnt angered the policemen who made moves to hijack the tricycle from him.

Esabod gathered that in the process, Arowolo and his girlfriend were assaulted and brutalised. The former passed out and eventually gave up the ghost.
“His corpse was dumped in Atan Mortuary, Yaba. And they went to keep his tricycle after committing the atrocities. We want justice for Paul. Let the policemen that killed him be charged to court so that his spirit can rest. Paul cannot die like that.”

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