Janet Tutu: Tolulope Abike Adeoye devilishly set a pastor

Wrote by Blogger: Janet Tutu
Abike jagatuletule the chameleon

Abike jagatuletule's whole genetic composition 🆎 💦🫀 is made up of lies, deception and tréachery👹. She is vic!ous 😈 and filled with bíLe and pøison. 

It is no longer news that Abike uses people to do her dirty job and Braaa that is now giving her bulala 💉 used to be top on the list of these people she was using for her dįrty job. Several exposures have been made on the ev!L 👿 does underground, how she engineers attacks against people at the background, then comes outside to feign innocent or even feign that she is supporting the person she secretly went behind to engineer attacks against. If there is anything Abike knows how to do 💯, it is how to lie, destřoy and manipulate. She is a master at the game of deception 👺and treachery 👹. She calls herself the leader of no bully group yet all she plots behind the doors is how to destr@y lives. 

As a lot of people who have been following my page since God delivered me from her ☠️👹 group know, my sole aim on this page is to expose Abike's wicked ways to the world rather than what she pretends and packages herself to be to those that cannot see their eyes 👀. My crusade to expose her will continue as long as she persists in evildoing💀.

The malus 🐮 are trying so hard to repackage Abike but her ev!L deeds are following her about like a tail🦨. Efin niwa, kosi bashe ma sebolo tioni run igbe 💩. Abike is b@d market and she has nothing good to offer anyone apart from sowing seeds of discord and promoting h@te. Do not be unfortunate to associate closely with her or else you will have your fingers burnt ⚠. Those that have associated with her in the past and her benefactors who have tried to lift her from erofo all have bitter tales to tell of their experiences with her. Adete tiole fun wara ni, sugbon osetan lati da wara nu. The unfortunate ones who have put all their lives in her hands will still have a taste of her bitter medicine 💊. Makanmakan ni.

In the past weeks, her one time sniper that she was sending to do her dirty jobs while she operated behind the scene, soji olowogbogboro aka Baala as she used to fondly call him has been playing explosive voice notes revealing how Abike devises evil plans against people, propagates malicious falsehood against them and engineers attacks against them behind closed doors. In these vns, we heard Abike concocting tëřřible ĺies from the pit of h£ll about people to baala and pushing him out to @ttack people and propagate her maliçious lies against them.

What some people will find more alarming is the fact that all the while that she was having those conversations with baaalaaa plotting evil 👹 behind closed doors, Abike carried on in the public as if she was out of facebook fracas and some people were deceived that she had left and had indeed rebranded. I for one was never deceived 😄. I know her inside out and I knew she never left and had always been at the background fanning embers of war. This was what I had witnessed firsthand during my association with her.

Abike has been trying so hard to do damage control after the exposure by her baalaa. She has been looking for ways to cover up her evil that is being exposed to all and sundry but all her efforts have been unsuccessful. Kosi obo 🐒 mo nidanre gbogbo obo🐒 towa nidanre tele niwon ti gba igi relay. Abike's sakamaje is not working for those that can discern and now see 👀 through her.  

To buttress the recent revelations about Abike's evil devices, i have uploaded the video below to further enlighten people about this dĕmœniç being and show how she operates. Her pattern of operation has not changed. She is what they call ogbenu okunkun tafa 🏹 simole. 

The first part in the video below is an audio recording of a call between Abike and Baala where she was pushing him to stage a show to attack pastor Yemi Sonubi all because some persons whom she perceieved as her enemies attended his harvest and did video recordings of themselves at the event. You can hear how she insisted that her baalaaa should come out to do a show to bŮlly the pastor even when he said he wished to call the pastor to hear his side. This audio was played by baaalaaa at a point when they fell out before this latest fall out.

The second part of the video is a show Abike did few days after pushing baalaa out to bully pastor yemi sonubi, pretending as if she did not know anything about the attack on the pastor. The pastor would have watched the show thinking Abike was indeed fighting his cause and doing him a favour whereas Abike lowa labe oro toro finke. This is exactly how Abike operates, the voice 📢 of Jacob and the hand of Esau.

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