COVID-19: Celestial Church of Christ cancels services in Ogun - Daily Post  Nigeria 

The church is an house of help and need always and for it to develop, there is need for its members to learn to help each other in all ways. The early church pooled its resources together to help people’s need but do we see that today in the church of God.

Many of the rich are people of good heart and generous but many of them have been betrayed and backstabbed, and regretfully rewarded for helping and doing good.
Some helped their fellow get employed in their working place, but end up being chased by the same employee.
Such attitude removed the act of helping others from the act of the rich ones.

Unseriousness and abuse of opportunity

Many of the poor people helped are very unserious and not committed.
Someone might help them get a job, a loan, a training programme and an offer but they ruin the opportunity and abuse it with unseriousness.
They do not understand that not in life comes easy without help and such help should be valued and not taken for granted.

Sense of pride

The rich sometimes are consumed by this sense of pride that makes them inaccessible and look down on the needy and the poor in the house of God.
They have put themselves in a position that the needy find it very hard to come to them and ask for help without being looked down on.


Many of the rich love the hypocritical type of help, that is used to showoff and boast around.
They do not want to help secretly without anyone knowing about it or telling anyone about it.
Their help comes with a showoff and exposure to the world and the congregation so that people can know they are the one who helped someone.


This only me syndrome means that they want to be the only one that is rich and able forever.
They want to be the one at the top of resources and would not give an help or an avenue that would make the needy rise to their status or even surpass them.
There is a syndrome that wants the rich to keep remaining rich and the poor remaining poor forever with the same set of people being at the top all the time.
They never want the poor to climb the ladder and be well.


There is a mentality many of our rich have today that wants the poor and their children to serve them and their own children.
Hence any help that could break that link would simply not be done or rendered.
A certain brother went to an influential man in the church to help him to study a course that would be beneficial. He told him to come back but instead fixed his own son to do that same course neglecting the brother who needed help

This ought not be so but the church today has plunged into the line of division that seperates the rich from the poor
The rich are well attended to and given all they want but the needy are treated otherwise.

By Brother Tola Adele

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