Alex Obanla and his wife Elizabeth Obanla were once a Canadian base couple before they were deported back to Nigeria after been jailed for many years for drugs and scamming activities. 

The couple continues their unpleasant act in Nigeria even after been banned from entering Canada, Australia and United Kingdom because of their criminal act.

Back in Nigeria, the couple both decided politic is the next target to carry out their criminal act. 

Mr Alex Obanla went into politic and even contested  under the party of All Progressives Congress (APC)  for the Primary Election but failed woefully.

The reason for their failure is because, the APC rules and regulations stated that " You must not be a criminal or has any history of any kind of criminal act before you can contest for a post in their  Party".

After so much investigation  on the couple, they were later find guilty of the act of criminality. 

Report has that the couple were once ex convict in Canada and also banned from entering some of the European countries.

Esabod Global News earlier reported  how All Progressives Congress  disqualify  and rejects Alex Obanla to their party. Read below.

Nigeria Couple, Alex Obanla and his wife who were both jailed and deported from Canada to Nigeria for drugs activities in 2020 after spending many years in Canadian prison.

The Couple were banned from entering Canada for their scamming and involvement in drugs activities. They were deported from Canada with noting, not even their Children as well. As at this report Alex Obanla Children are been taking over by the Canadian government.

The couple could not stop their dubious and scamming activities even after been deported to Nigeria. 

Several deports were made against them for collecting money from their client claiming to arranged Candian , Australia and UK Visa for them, without offering the services in which the money was been  paid. 

Alex Obanla and his wife is accused of charging each person between $25,000 and $45,000 for services they did not delivered.

Police comfirmed 23 people have made complaints, and the total of the alleged fraud is $799,000.

Detective Acting Inspector Adam Bennett said the nature of the alleged offence was worrisome.

He said investigations had identified these jobs did not exist as advertised, if at all.

Police reports the offender took several measures, including falsifying documents and operating from a professional city office, to legitimise his fraudulent activity to victims.

The  All Progressives Congress(APC ) Rejects their primary Election after gathering and finding out their candidate the person of Alex Obanla and wife were ex convict and deported from Canada in 2020 for drugs and scamming activities.

They lost their Position under APC because they are bad influence, bad example, to the society and have nothing to offer the government of Nigeria but scam

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