The rift between the actresses started in 2007 when Lizzy Anjorin allegedly accused Toyin Abraham of running the popular blog called Gistlover and other several Instagram accounts to troll her and her other colleagues in the industry.

She also said Toyin fed the blog a fake story about her being arrested on her way to Saudi Arabia for carrying cocaine which is not true.

The fight became more intense again after Toyin Abraham had her baby Ire and Lizzy was accused of not sending a congratulatory message to her and this resulted into a feud between Toyin Abraham’s fans and Lizzy Anjorin who rained insults on Lizzy and Toyin kept mute about the whole issue. This made Lizzy so angry, because according to her, Toyin has the power to tell her fans to back off but rather, she kept quiet and Lizzy didn’t find her actions funny at all.

She later went ahead to release a video where she talked about the fact that Toyin is living a fake life and lied about what she said she had acquired. Also that she had her baby in “Ile Alagbo” contrary to what many believed, that she had her baby abroad.

The war continued on social media as Lizzy was not ready to back out until the leaders of ‘TAMPAN’, Mr Latin, the President of the Theatre Arts and Motion Picture Association of Nigeria (TAMPAN) in the company of Yinka Quadri in a video called both actresses to stop fighting and if they continue to fight on social media, the association would be forced to intervene.

This made the whole fight go down a bit until a few months ago when Lizzy Anjorin had her baby in the U.S. a Few days ago Lizzy reignites the feud with Toyin Abraham through a video that went viral.

She revisited the bullying and trolling she has been facing from Toyin’s fans with regard to her getting delivered of a newborn baby in the U.S.

According to Lizzy, Toyin created fake Instagram accounts to bully her and claim that she did not carry the pregnancy herself nor did she give birth in Florida U.S.A.

Well, the two parties were invited to a live Instagram session days ago by popular blogger, Esabod to settle things amicably.

At first, Esabod was angry with Toyin Aimakhu and her fans for how they have been attacking Lizzy Anjorin. She was also displeased with some of the bloggers’ intervention on the issue. 

called her, that she wants to get close to her.

I told her I like Toyin too but I have been hearing one or two things about her since 2 days ago.

Hold on, which pregnancy are you talking about?

The pregnancy of my 1st daughter Rotimi.

If it’s your 1st daughter, then it over 20 years ago?

But this one is 10-12 years ago, that she asked me to open my stomach in public.

In the middle of this conversation, Toyin called in again to say she has never asked anyone to open her stomach in public…God forbid.

But you told me you have never seen Toyin before?

No ma, I told you we have met 3 times, even if you check my Instagram post Toyin is the 2nd person I have ever posted on my page. The 1st time we met was at MITV, the 2nd time was on Regina Chukwu’s set, then the 3rd one was at a movie premiere. One day she called me that Arike has stayed with her before. I called Arike, and asked why she didn’t tell me she has stayed with Toyin before and she apologised. Anytime I am travelling I always list out all the countries I am going on my page for anyone that may want to buy shoes, bag, jewellery e.t.c.

On getting to Mecca I was stopped and they checked my luggage, then, they asked me to go, I also thought it was normal searching. When we got to Mecca, I heard Toyin gave birth I got the news when I put it on my phone and I was so happy and we even celebrated it when I called Arike in Nigeria. I wanted to congratulate her instantly but I remembered there was a time they were abusing her, and I took it upon myself and I wrote a nice piece and posted it on my page. She called me to thank me, but a few moments later I saw that post on Google and people started lambasting me, that I want to use her to trend that is why I wrote that write-up.

I told her about the message, but she insulted me that she was never sad.

I said since you know that why didn’t you ask me to pull down the post? I felt so bad on that day.

So, I don’t want people to say I want to use that to trend again, instead, I went to her husband page to congratulate her there, and immediately people started causing me again.

Let I ask you this, did Toyin comment or her followers?

Her followers did, but Toyin herself came to my page with her followers and with fake accounts.

Did you see her comment with her own account?

No, she didn’t comment, in fact, she deleted all the posts on her page. Then later I reposted the congratulatory comment I posted on her husband’s page and she said thank you and immediately she said that all those people abusing me stopped. It was so painful then. I was mad. And I wondered that why would Toyin subjected me to such ridicule.

When I got back to Nigeria, I also got another message from a lady who sent a message that Gistlover wrote and she’s very close to Toyin. I called that lady and Gistlover out. Also on the 3rd day, I got another message on my phone that “Lizzy, your enemy is going to prison no matter what”, I kept the number because I wanted to use it as evidence in court, I was now wondering what I have done to deserve all these ill-treatments and why they want to set me up. That was why I did what I did then, by calling a press conference.

Then, she sued me for civil and I sued her for a criminal case. Grandma, please let’s forget this issue for today, because I don’t want to start remembering so many things again.

Lizzy, do you want us to settle this or not? Esabod asked.

Whatever you say is the final ma.

Please I want to beg the two of you to let it go.

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