Garda facing prosecution over N7 pursuit of burglary gang is ‘in limbo’ as summons has yet to be issued

A garda who is facing criminal prosecution over a car chase in which three men died on the N7 in Dublin remains “in limbo” as the DPP has yet to issue a summons.

The Garda Siochana Ombudsman Commission (Gsoc) told a coroner’s court hearing last month that the DPP had directed on May 9 that an officer involved in the pursuit of the men, who were members of a burglary gang, is to be charged with a driving offence.

However, it is understood the DPP has still not issued the summons to Gsoc to serve on the officer, some three-and-a-half weeks later.

The garda still does not know what criminal charge he is facing as Gsoc is powerless to inform him until the DPP issues the summons.


This delay is causing “great distress” to the officer at the centre of the case, it is understood.

Any summons to be served on a garda must be signed off on by a judge, but this should not cause such a significant delay, according to one source.

Once the DPP releases the summons to Gsoc to serve on the officer, there is protocol in place on how it must be executed.

It is understood that a Gsoc investigator unrelated to the case will be dispatched to serve the summons on the officer. This will be done by appointment.

The receipt of the summons must be signed off by a peace commissioner, it is understood. The courts will also be notified.

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