Attack On Dokubo Insult Taken Too Far, Group Warns Ex-Militant Leader

The Niger Delta Special Force (NDSF) has warned ex-militant leader, Eshanekpe Israel, popularly known as General Israel, over what they termed as an ‘unguarded utterance’ against the founder of the Niger Delta Peoples Volunteer Force (NDPVF), Mujahid Asari Dokubo.

Recall that Dokubo alleged during a visit to President Bola Tinubu at the Villa last week, that the Nigerian military was complicit in crude oil theft in the Niger Delta region.

General Israel, who rose in defense of the military, decided to launch personal attacks on Dokubo’s person.


Angered by what they termed a disrespect to one of the major leaders of the Niger Delta struggle, NSDF in a statement signed by its spokesman, Comrade Boniface Abinye, berated General Israel and warned that he would face their wrath if he did not guard his tongue.

The statement reads: “Ordinarily, we ought not to waste our time in joining issues with the self-acclaimed Mayor of Urhobo land, knowing who is behind or sponsoring the attack; but this has become necessary as such publication is capable of misleading or diverting the attention of the public from the actual realities as regards the issue of oil theft in the Niger Delta.

“It is rather surprising how the once little rookie in the affairs of the Niger Delta struggle, Israel of yesterday has suddenly grown enough to square up his shoulders to engage in an open confrontation with Alhaji Asari Dokubo, the Edi- Abali of Niger Delta.

“For the records, the NDSF completely aligns with the position of Asari Dokubo on the issue of oil theft and the military’s involvement in the act.


“However, our worry stems from General Israel’s quick rise in defense of the military to exonerate them from the crime they are being accused of, forgetting the fact that Asari Dokubo who took the bold step to come up with the revelation knows his territory like the palm of his hand.

“Then he mischievously coopted the idea saying Alhaji Dokubo was jealous and envious of Tantita SecuritGeneral Israel’s (of Phase 3 of the Presidential Amnesty Program – PAP) haste to absolve the military of complicity in oil theft when he said ‘The Nigerian military may have bad eggs, who deal and wheel in stolen crude, but that, such no longer obtainable since Tompolo took over surveillance of pipelines in the region.’

This was abundantly clear that he has admitted that Tantita Security Services aides and abets the military to sabotage the nation’s economy in the guise of providing surveillance on oil facilities.

“There was nowhere Asari Dokubo during his visit to President Bola Tinubu mentioned the TSS or Tompolo throughout his conversation when he addressed the media.


“By this, Israel has deliberately rolled out the drums of war and challenged all former militant leaders in Rivers State to an open contest.

“With the likes of His Majesty, King Ateke Michael Tom, Hon. Doctor Fara Dagogo, Chief Soboma Jackrich also known as Egberipapa, and others, who have maintained a peaceful disposition all along to enable Chief Government Ekpemupolo also known as Tompolo who was fortunate enough to have secured the federal government’s surveillance contract, perform his duties within their territory without fear or intimidation of any sort, has thus been misconstrued for the weakness of the leaders.

“We are urging General Israel and his paymasters to henceforth thread softly within the territorial waters of Rivers State

“The Niger Delta Special Force – NDSF promises General Israel that we shall look for him and find him, then teach him the lesson of his life for daring to publicly insult Asari Dokubo and all former militant leaders in Rivers State, of which his paymasters will not be able to deliver him from our wrath.

“It is no longer news that Tompolo got the contract through a very heartless Ijaw man who has no single quality of a good leader, to the extent that he has also frustrated the ex-militant leaders in his home state Bayelsa, using one little boy Kojo to control all Generals that have been lamenting since the commencement of the contract.

“And that same heartless man believes that Bayelsans will be foolish enough to give their votes to him. That will not work; Bayelsans are wiser now enough to choose someone who has the fear of God and the interest of the people at heart.

“Having a surveillance contract within our territorial waters does not in any way make Tompolo superior to our respected leaders – Alhaji Asari Dokubo, King Ateke Michael Tom, Hon Fara Dagogo, Chief Soboma Jackrich – Egberipapa, Oriemi Hart, and others.

“Thus, we, therefore, call on President Bola Tinubu to review the current surveillance contract in the Niger Delta, carve out the areas of River State, and give same to Alhaji Asari Dokubo, His Majesty, King Ateke Michael Tom, Hon Fara Dagogo, Chief Soboma Jackrich – Egberipapa, Oriemi Hart, and others who will be in charge to coordinate the Rivers wing to avert avoidable crises within the region in the nearest future.

“These leaders are capable of reaching all other sub-leaders within the state for effective distribution of the contracts.

“Our appeal if considered, will guarantee peace, security, and stability of the nation’s economy which is largely dependent on proceeds of oil mining.”

y Services, TSS, the FG’s contractor handling the security of oil facilities in the Niger Delta

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